The goal for this video is to explain to new users and potential customers how the website works by showing them a simple user path on how to navigate on the website by finding and article. As well its purpose is to show what the actual brand is about and the services that provides, including its numbers and how it can help their users.
Goals: user path, increase visualization, show case services, gain potential new customers.
UX designer, Video maker, animator, mood planner, director
AdobeXD (web comps, social media and email interfaces), Illustrator (icon vectoring), AfterEffects (video animations and composition), pencil and paper (notes, and story boarding)
Keeping in mind the main goal of the business as well the purpose of the video I on the creation of a story board for me to consider the transition of the materials and screens to show as well to arrange myself which interfaces to show later for the comp creation.